
About this blog!

Hi! You are reading this for a reason and you know it better than anybody else. So let us hope that it's going to satisfy your curiosity and needs and let's get started.
This blog is for students that come with the IFMSA professional exchange program to Romania regardless of the city you chose to stay in.
I know that: It will never be finnished, everything up to date or perfect, but keep in touch and keep on reading.

What will you find here? For a start I'm planning to tell you about:

  • transport to, from and around
  • room and food
  • hospitals
  • citys
  • The Team(us the students you are going to meet)
  • parks, clubs, coffee shops, bars, malls
  • sights, museums
  • About Romania.. culture and stuff, including other cities you shouldn't miss
  • links

Maybe this will give you a little preview before you come to Romania and you will be better able to take any opportunity and make the best of your stay here. You'dd better do that or else we'll have to force you! :P

In time you'll be able to read here other student's impressions and add your own, so that your experience can help others. That's a way of saying "please don't leave me all the hard work!", but realy, it would be good to have as many opinions as possible, so comment!

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